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Why You Should Not Move Your House by Yourself


Your home could be your best investment. You have spent a lot to make it beautiful and complete, bought decor, and designed it according to your liking.

But the time comes when you have to transfer to a new location for some reason. What should you do, buy a new house? Good thing there is such a thing as Structural Lifting in Sharptown, Maryland.

But who should do it? I bet you are thinking of ways to save house moving costs. So you might be considering doing it yourself, do

There is a correct way of doing it that you don’t know. House Lifting Contractors in Maryland are the experts you can trust for this matter. And if you still insist, here are some reasons why we encourage you to leave the job to the professionals.

  • Equipment
    Nope! Hydraulic jacks can’t do it. There are appropriate pieces of equipment for the job – which are heavy and costly. And buying them for a one-time house move can be nonsense.
  • Safety
    First of all, you might get hurt once you miscalculate what you are doing. Thinking of using screw jacks? Well, installing cribbing can be tricky and dangerous if done incorrectly.
  • Damaging the house
    You might create damages that can be costly and irreversible. Worse is wrecking the whole house with your own hands.
  • Slow process
    Think how slow the process can be if you do it by yourself.
  • Permits
    If you choose to do DIY lifting, you need a permit regardless of how small the house is.

You can count on House Lifting Services Sharptown, Maryland. We guarantee fast services with high precision that are worth every penny. So if you need help, call Expert House Movers Inc.

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